Diagnosis Dental Problems and Solutions

Cavities (Tooth Decay)

Tooth decay, also known as cavities which is the irreversible demise of the mineral which your teeth are made up of, it appears like pinhole. They are formed by various factors, such as the microbes in your mouth, the practice of often eating Swiss doughnut, taking sips of sugary drinks, and not cleaning your teeth properly. If not treated, cavities can lead to severe toothache, infection and even tooth loss. Options comprise dental fillings, crowns, root canals and fluoride treatments that improve the flaw and appearance of affected teeth.

Tooth Decay

How to treat tooth decay

Dental Fillings

Dental Fillings

  • 1 days - 4 days

Tooth enamel continues to lose minerals when it is subjected to constant acid exposure, as occurs when you eat or drink sweet or starchy meals.

Dental Crowns

Dental Crowns

  • 1 days - 4 days

Dental crowns provide a diverse solution for improving the appearance of the smile by treating a variety of cosmetic issues.

Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment

  • 1 days - 4 days

Have you ever felt a pang in one of your teeth after drinking hot or cold liquids? If you got a toothache that won't go away, this indicates that you have an infected tooth and may require root canal treatment.

Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is a frequent dental condition characterized by discomfort or pain in the teeth when exposed to specific substances and temperatures. It happens when the enamel that shields your teeth thins or when your gums recede, exposing the underlying surface, dentin. Desensitizing toothpaste, fluoride gel, dental bonding, and, in extreme situations, root canals can all assist to minimize or remove sensitivity.

Tooth Sensitivity

How to treat Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth Sensitivity Treatment

  • 1 days - 4 days

Tooth sensitivity dental condition can have a substantial influence on one's life. Understanding the origins, symptoms, and treatment choices is critical for successfully treating this illness and preserving good dental health.

Dental Bonding

Dental Bonding

  • 1 days - 4 days

Dental bonding is a versatile and cost-effective way to improve the look of teeth, but it may not last as long as other restorative treatments such as porcelain veneers and dental crowns.

Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment

  • 1 days - 4 days

Feeling a pain in one of your teeth after drinking hot or cold liquids, toothache that won't go away conditions that you have an infected tooth and may require root canal treatment.

Tooth Loss(Missing Teeth)

Tooth loss can occur for a variety of causes, including accident, decay, and gum disease. It can have a substantial influence on a person's ability to chew and talk, as well as their self-esteem. Dental implants, bridges, and dentures are solutions for tooth loss that assist restore the functioning and look of missing teeth, hence enhancing overall oral health and quality of life.

Single Tooth Loss

Single Dental Implants are titanium post is surgically placed into the jawbone, and a crown is attached to the implant. Dental Bridges are false tooth (pontic) is held in place by crowns on the adjacent teeth. Removable Partial Denture are removable appliance with a false tooth attached to a plastic base that matches the color of your gums.

Tooth Loss, Missing Teeth

How to deal Single Missing Teeth

Single Dental Implant

Single Dental Implant

  • 1 days - 4 days

Single dental implants provide various advantages over alternative tooth replacement solutions like bridges or dentures, including increased aesthetics, functionality, and longevity.

Dental Bridges

Dental Bridges

  • 1 days - 4 days

Dental bridges are crafted to match the natural color of your teeth, so they blend in flawlessly and improve the look and feel of your smile.

Immediate Implants

Immediate Implants

  • 1 days - 4 days

The implant is generally inserted the same surgical appointment as the extraction. Because the patient doesn't have to wait for the extraction site to heal before receiving the implant, this method can save them time.

Multiple Tooth Loss(Multiple Missing Teeth)

  • Multiple Dental Implants are placed in the jawbone, each supporting a crown, or multiple crowns are supported by fewer implants.
  • Implant-Supported Bridge, two or more implants support a bridge with multiple crowns.
  • Traditional Dental Bridge, crowns are placed on natural teeth on either side of the gap to support one or more false teeth in between.
  • Removable Partial Denture, a removable appliance with several false teeth attached to a plastic base.

Multiple Tooth Loss, Multiple Missing Teeth

How to deal Multiple Missing Teeth

All on 4 Dental Implants

All on 4 Dental Implants

  • 1 days - 4 days

The notion of all-on-four treatment refers to a method where patients who are toothless or soon will become so on the same day have surgery and a fixed complete jaw prosthesis restoration on 4 implants.

All on 6 Dental Implants

All on 6 Dental Implants

  • 1 days - 4 days

In the world of contemporary dentistry, the All-on-6 dental implant surgery is a light of hope for people suffering from significant tooth loss.



  • 1 days - 4 days

In dentistry, dentures have long been a mainstay for repairing smiles and enhancing oral function in those who are lacking teeth.

Gum Disease (Periodontal Disease)

Gum disease, often called periodontal disease, is an inflammation of the tissues that keep your teeth in place. It is usually caused by inadequate brushing and flossing practices, which enable plaque a sticky film of bacteria to accumulate on the teeth and harden. In its extreme stages, gum disease can cause sore, bleeding gums, painful chewing issues, and even tooth loss. To control and reverse the disease, therapeutic options include scaling and root planing (deep cleaning), antibiotics, surgery, and frequent dental cleanings.

Gum Disease

How to treat Gum Disease

Gum Disease Treatment

Gum Disease Treatment

  • 1 days - 4 days

Periodontal disease often known as gum disease, is a widespread yet avoidable illness that affects a large number of people globally.

Gum Graft Surgery

Gum Graft Surgery

  • 1 days - 4 days

When your gingivitis graft failed, you will most likely observe a significant area of white tissue coming off your tooth. A lack of color indicates that the gum graft has lost blood flow and is dying.

Tooth Stone Cleaning

Tooth Stone Cleaning

  • 1 days - 4 days

One of the dental issues that many individuals encounter is tartar. A terrible look is caused by dental calculus that is found in the roots of the teeth and between the teeth.

Misaligned Teeth (Malocclusion)

Malocclusion or misaligned teeth is the term for teeth that are not correctly aligned, which can make it difficult to chew, talk, and maintain good dental hygiene. This disorder may run in the family or be brought on by bad behaviors like thumb-sucking or early loss of primary teeth. Braces, transparent aligners (Invisalign), and retainers are among methods for straightening teeth that can also aid with bite alignment.

Misaligned Teeth

How to treat Misaligned Teeth



  • 1 days - 4 days

Many dental issues such as crowded teeth, overbites, underbites, crossbites and crooked teeth, can be treated with orthodontic treatment and braces.



  • 1 days - 4 days

For people who have moderate to severe instances of crooked teeth, crowded teeth, gaps between teeth and specific bite abnormalities, Invisalign treatment is frequently employed.



  • 1 days - 4 days

After receiving orthodontic treatment, retainers are dental appliances that are custom-made to hold teeth in their new positions. They are necessary to keep the results of braces or aligners in place by preventing teeth from moving back to their original positions.

Cracked or Broken Teeth

Injuries, grinding or chewing on anything hard can cause cracked or fractured teeth. Pain, sensitivity and an elevated risk of infection can result from these problems. Dental bonding, crowns, veneers and in extreme circumstances, a root canal to save the tooth and restore its beauty are among the options for fixing cracked or damaged teeth.

Broken Cracked Teeth

How to deal Cracked or Broken Teeth

Dental Bonding

Dental Bonding

  • 1 days - 4 days

Dental bonding is a versatile and cost-effective way to improve the look of teeth, but it may not last as long as other restorative treatments such as porcelain veneers and dental crowns.

Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers

  • 1 days - 4 days

Veneers provide patients with a flexible and efficient way to improve the appearance of their mouths, which makes them an important component of esthetic dentistry.

Dental Crowns

Dental Crowns

  • 1 days - 4 days

Dental crowns provide a diverse solution for improving the appearance of the smile by treating a variety of cosmetic issues.

Stained or Discolored Teeth

A number of things including food and drink, tobacco use, poor dental care and some medicines, can cause stained or discolored teeth. Your confidence and smile's appearance may suffer as a result of this illness. Veneers, dental bonding, and teeth whitening procedures are among remedies for discolored or stained teeth that assist to restore the brightness and color of your teeth.

Stained Discolored Teeth

How to treat Stained or Discolored Teeth

Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

  • 1 days - 4 days

Teeth whitening has become a popular cosmetic dental procedure as people want a brighter, more confident smile.

Tooth Stone Cleaning

Tooth Stone Cleaning

  • 1 days - 4 days

One of the dental issues that many individuals encounter is tartar. A terrible look is caused by dental calculus that is found in the roots of the teeth and between the teeth.

Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers

  • 1 days - 4 days

Veneers provide patients with a flexible and efficient way to improve the appearance of their mouths, which makes them an important component of esthetic dentistry.

Dental Aesthetic Concerns

The goal of aesthetic dentistry procedures is to make your teeth, gums, and smile seem better overall. Even though oral health is very important, cosmetic dentistry may significantly boost a person's self-esteem and confidence. Dental bonding, veneers, teeth whitening, and orthodontic procedures like braces or clear aligners are examples of aesthetic treatments. These procedures aim to build a more harmonious and appealing smile by addressing issues including discolored, misplaced, chipped, or irregularly shaped teeth. The science of dentistry and the art of crafting stunning smiles that are customized to each person's distinct facial characteristics are combined in aesthetic dentistry.

Dental Aesthetic Teeth Smile Makeover

How to Solve Dental Aesthetic Concerns

Digital Smile Design

Digital Smile Design

  • 1 days - 4 days

Advanced imaging methods, such as photography and video, allow dentists to obtain fine-grained information on aspects including gum symmetry, tooth proportions and face symmetry.

Smile Makeover

Smile Makeover

  • 1 days - 4 days

Cosmetic dentists, who are skilled in both functional and cosmetic dentistry, frequently undertake smile makeovers.

Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers

  • 1 days - 4 days

Veneers provide patients with a flexible and efficient way to improve the appearance of their mouths, which makes them an important component of esthetic dentistry.

Bad Breath (Halitosis)

Halitosis, sometimes known as bad breath, can be brought on by smoking, particular meals, medical disorders, or poor oral care. It may be a humiliating issue that interferes with social relationships. Treatments for gum disease and other underlying issues, mouthwash and rinses, and professional teeth cleaning to get rid of the germs causing foul breath are some of the solutions.

Dental Aesthetic Teeth Smile Makeover

How to Treat Bad Breath

Gum Disease Treatment

Gum Disease Treatment

  • 1 days - 4 days

Periodontal disease often known as gum disease, is a widespread yet avoidable illness that affects a large number of people globally.

Tooth Stone Cleaning

Tooth Stone Cleaning

  • 1 days - 4 days

One of the dental issues that many individuals encounter is tartar. A terrible look is caused by dental calculus that is found in the roots of the teeth and between the teeth.

Proper Dental Hygiene

Proper Dental Hygiene

  • 1 days - 4 days

Maintaining proper oral hygiene is a lifetime commitment that benefits one's general health, self-esteem, and smile. You may avoid dental issues and maintain good oral health by eating a balanced diet, getting regular dental checkups, and practicing consistent oral hygiene.

Cysts and Tumors

Benign (non-cancerous) and malignant (cancerous) cysts and tumors in the mouth and jaw can arise from different tissues in the oral cavity. Dental cysts are fluid-filled sacs that can develop in the jawbone or around a tooth's root; they are frequently caused by impacted teeth or untreated infections. On the other hand, tumors are abnormal tissue growths that need to be diagnosed right away since they might be more severe. Cysts and tumors can be treated surgically, with a biopsy to identify the type of growth, and occasionally with additional therapies like chemotherapy or radiation if the tumor is malignant. Maintaining oral health and preventing subsequent issues need early identification and treatment.

Dental Cyst and Tumors

How to Treat Cysts and Tumors

Cysts & Tumors

Cysts & Tumors

  • 1 days - 4 days

Both tumors and dental cysts are examples of growths that can occur in the oral cavity, most especially in the soft tissues or jawbones that surround the teeth.

Proper Dental Hygiene

Proper Dental Hygiene

  • 1 days - 4 days

Maintaining proper oral hygiene is a lifetime commitment that benefits one's general health, self-esteem, and smile. You may avoid dental issues and maintain good oral health by eating a balanced diet, getting regular dental checkups, and practicing consistent oral hygiene.

Gum Disease Treatment

Gum Disease Treatment

  • 1 days - 4 days

Periodontal disease often known as gum disease, is a widespread yet avoidable illness that affects a large number of people globally.
