Dental Implants in Turkey

Dental implants in Turkey are ideal option to replace lost teeth for anyone looking to enhance their oral health because of the country`s modern technologies and skilled dental practitioners. The combination of basic healthcare and dental health, as well as initiatives to raise service quality and accessibility. The procedure is a simple and stress-free, because of all-inclusive packages that include consultation, treatment and lodging. Many international patients choose to get their dental implants in Turkey because of to the combination of high-quality care and cost savings.
Özel Urban Ağız Ve Diş Sağlığı Polikliniği

Implant treatment is a method that offers patients with missing teeth a solution similar to natural teeth by placing artificial tooth roots. The upper part crowns, are placed on these roots. An implant procedure takes 5-6 minutes. It can be called the easiest treatment method. Firstly, the condition of the area to be implanted is evaluated by oral examination and x-ray. Then, slots for the implant are opened in the jawbone and titanium screws are placed. Temporary caps are placed on these screws and a period called osseointegration is waited for them to fuse with the bone. This period is approximately 2 months in the lower jaw and 3 months in the upper jaw. Then, permanent dentures are made and screwed onto the implants. Thus, implant treatment is completed.

Why Choose Dental Implants in Turkey?

Getting dental implants can be super expensive, right? But if you know where to look, like the clinics in this article, you can actually find some cheaper options. Plus, if you are nervous about the whole process, getting some info beforehand can really help ease the fear. The cost of implants changes depending on where you go, but Turkey`s honestly the best place for it, they have got top-notch care for way less than what you`d pay elsewhere.

Types of Dental Implant Treatments in Turkey

Clinics offering different types of dental implant in Turkey ensure that patients receive personalized treatment plans based on their specific dental needs. In Turkey, patients have a variety of dental implant options to select from including Full Mouth Dental Implants(whole arch restorations), partial-multiple tooth implants, single tooth implants and same-day implants for patients with significant bone loss and the conventional endosteal implants.

Full Mouth Dental Implants in Turkey

In Turkey, full mouth dental implants that cover the whole mouth have become popular for people who need long-term tooth repair. A full mouth dental implant process involves carefully placing several implants in the jaw bone. These implants provide a strong base for all of the prostheses that will be used. This method not only makes natural teeth work again, but it also makes them look much better, which helps patients recover their confidence and a smile.

All on 4 Dental Implants in Turkey

All on 4 dental implants in turkey

The All-on-Four implants in Turkey is a treatment concept that designed to provide a comfortable prosthetic option by utilizing four implants, with two placed straight anteriorly and two placed posteriorly at an angle. This technique aims to reduce mechanical stress on the framework and implant abutments by shortening distal cantilevers. By tilting the distal implants, the concept enhances prosthetic support, increases inter-implant distance, and provides better implant anchorage in the bone, allowing for the use of longer implants. The approach involves placing implants according to a preplanned spatial position, often using computer-fabricated surgical guides, to achieve optimal results. Combining narrow platform NobelActive implants with the All-on-Four concept is suggested to be a new standard of care for severely compromised patients..

All on 6 Dental Implants in Turkey

All-on-6 Implants in Turkey

All-on-6 Implants in Turkey have made the country a sought-after destination for dental procedures. The All-on-6 implant technique involves placing six dental implants in the upper or lower jaw to support a full arch of replacement teeth. This procedure is ideal for patients who have lost most or all of their teeth and seek a permanent, stable solution. Turkish dentists are highly trained in this advanced procedure, ensuring high success rates and patient satisfaction. The cost of All-on-6 implants in Turkey is significantly lower than in many Western countries, making it an affordable option without compromising on quality. Patients benefit from shorter waiting times and the opportunity to combine dental treatment with a vacation in a culturally rich and beautiful destination..

Reasons All-on-6 implants Treatment in Turkey

  • All-on-6  implants in Turkey provide several benefits, providing high-quality care, with cutting-edge facilities, innovative equipment, and highly competent dentists who have obtained worldwide training and certifications. Many clinics provide entire treatment packages that include the cost of All-on-6 implants, prostheses, accommodations, transportation, also some cases free hotel accommodations, tourist trips, making it a practical and enticing choice for overseas patients. Turkey`s dental facilities also provide rapid turnaround times, with reduced waiting periods and efficient treatment methods, allowing patients to obtain their implants and prosthesis quickly. Patients can also combine their dental treatment with a trip to discover Turkey`s rich cultural history, gorgeous landscapes, and countless tourist sites.

Best Dental Clinics for Implants in Turkey

Dental implant turkey clinic process

When searching for the best dental clinics in Turkey, look for those accredited by international dental associations to ensure top-tier treatment. These clinics offer complete dental care, including orthodontics, implantology and cosmetic dentistry. Patients benefit from modern treatments including veneers, All-on-4 and All-on-6 implants, teeth whitening, and smile makeovers.

The reason of Turkey is an destination for dental work is that it provides quality dental treatment at affordable prices, with brief wait times, and the opportunity to discover in a country that is both culturally diverse and attractive. It is feasible that testimonials and reviews could facilitate the identification of Turkey`s most reputable dental implant clinics by emphasizing the exceptional results they achieve and the gratification of their clients.

Dental Implants Cost Comparison

A comparison of dental implant costs in Istanbul, Antalya, and Izmir.

City Single Tooth Implant Implant-Supported Bridge All-on-4 Implants
Istanbul $500 - $1,000 $1,500 - $3,000 $4,000 - $8,000
Antalya $450 - $950 $1,400 - $2,900 $3,800 - $7,500
Izmir $480 - $980 $1,450 - $2,950 $3,900 - $7,800

Benefits of Full Mouth Dental Implants

The people who are looking for full-arch replacement alternatives can benefit from the various advantages offered by full mouth dental implants. The following is a list of benefits:

*Greater stability is provided by the prosthetic bridge, which is firmly secured because to the presence of 4-6 implants. This configuration guarantees that the force of the bite is spread more uniformly throughout the jawbone, which in turn minimizes the likelihood of implant failure and promotes improved dental health in general.

*To provide improved support for actions such as eating and speaking, the extra implants are utilized.

*Patients are able to enjoy a more normal diet and better speech. This arrangement closely resembles the operation of real teeth, which allows patients to experience these benefits.

Before the implant

Before Dental implants turkey missing teeth patient

Why are implants expensive? Which brand is of high quality and which country`s product should be preferred?

They are expensive because an implant will remain in the jawbone for a lifetime. This materials are completely compatible with the body, produced with high standards that do not show allergic reactions, and developed with expertise and R&D for many years. The most important part of the treatment depends not on the brand of the implant used or the country in which it is located, but on the physician`s judgement of which material to work with in which region and the patient`s condition. Even the best or expensive implant cannot be as good as the person`s own tooth.

Does the bone for the implant not come into contact with the nerves during drilling?

This situation varies in the upper and lower jaw. There is almost no risk in the upper jaw because the regions are very far from the nerve canals. In the lower jaw, there is a canal called mandibular. Implant procedures in this region can be very close to the nerves. With detailed imaging procedures such as X-ray MR, the risks here are completely eliminated.

I should have an implant but I am afraid, will I have problems in the future? I am afraid of pain, can the operation be performed under anaesthesia?

The operation can be performed under partial and general anaesthesia. However, those who have fears should be comfortable because the area is completely numbed during the procedure and the patient does not feel any pain.

Is implant the only solution?

Implants are not the only solution. Now and before the implant was discovered, missing teeth can be successfully treated with bridge treatment.

Does the implant cause bone resorption? What are the negative features?

If the implants are done properly, they do not cause bone resorption and even prevent resorption. If the missing tooth area with a gap remains this way for a long time, the neighbouring teeth begin to lean towards this area. Since the bones are not stimulated, they begin to melt over time. The bad side is that even the best implant cannot be compared with the natural teeth of the person.

Does an implant cause bad breath?

The implant does not smell as a material and does not emit odour. If the patient does not take good care and hygiene of the implant area, food residues accumulated in the area may cause odour over time. This situation also damages the implant area over time.

After Implant

After Dental implants turkey healthy teeth patient

In order to heal quickly and smoothly, you should not damage the wound area on the first day, and you should avoid movements such as mouth rinsing, spitting and touching. Such movements will increase bleeding and delay healing. Light bleeding is normal, it should be swallowed without accumulating. Such movements are normal, but the area should not be sucked, you can swallow as you swallow your saliva.

Eating and drinking:

It is necessary not to eat and drink for 2 hours after the procedure. Eating and drinking should not be started until the numbness disappears. The first 3 weeks are very critical, you should be careful not to force the implant. It should be eaten and drunk with the implant area. Spicy, hot, hard foods should be avoided, cold foods such as ice cream and yoghurt should be preferred. You should never smoke on the day of the procedure and for the first week. Smoking can cause inflammation in the implant area. Care should be taken not to drink alcohol for the first 48 hours.

Care of Implants:

There is no special toothbrush, normal usual brushes should be used, except for the first day. The implant area should be cleaned softly and gently. Patients do not touch the implant area because they are afraid of touching the implant area, as food residues accumulate in the area, causing redness and swelling in the area. It is necessary to rinse the mouth with the mouthwash prescribed by the doctor. Any mouth cleaners in the markets should never be used. Again, the medicines prescribed by the doctor, especially antibiotics, must be used.

Abnormal conditions:

After the operation, there may be bleeding, mild pain, swelling or bruising in the implant area.

*If there is a movement or shaking in the implant,
*Severe pain that does not go away with painkillers,
*Bleeding that does not stop enough to fill the mouth
If these are present, you should consult a doctor quickly.

The presence of a metal substance in the body:

Is the patient subjected to a metal detector when passing through security zones? Is an MRI scan objectionable?

Since the implants are made of titanium, they do not show the effect of magnetism, which has a metal effect. It is a substance that is completely compatible with the body, patients can have an MRI scan, they can be completely comfortable in this regard.

Dental Implant Treatment Preparation in Turkey

Choosing dental implant treatment is a big move, particularly if you are thinking about having the operation overseas. Turkey`s high-quality treatments and affordable cost have made it a sought-after country for dental work. This manual will help you go through the required actions to be ready for your trip towards dental implants.

Research and Select a Clinic

Start Early, For your desired travel date, you should look up details on dental implants and top clinics.  Search for clinics bearing globally accepted certificates and accreditations. 

Review Material: Review patient testimonies and reviews on independent sites such Clinicapoint, Google, Trustpilot, dentistry tourism forums. See the clinics to go over your case and schedule a first appointment. Most respectable clinics allow online video call consultations. You may schedule a general or specifically tailored appointment on the website for clinics.

How to Get Dental Implants in Turkey

Getting tooth implants abroad can be tricky, but with good planning, it’s totally worth it. Here`s a quick rundown to help you out.

First, you’ll have an online appointment where the dentist will go over your dental history and what you want. This is where you should mention any fears or hopes. They’ll send you a plan showing the type of implants, how many you need, and the cost. Usually, it takes two visits: one for the implant and one for the crown, with some healing time in between.

Next, make sure to have all your medical and dental records ready—X-rays, reports, everything. Don`t forget your passport (it needs to be valid for six months after your trip) and check if you need a visa for Turkey. Look into health and travel insurance too.

Book your flights early to snag a good deal, and if possible, go for direct flights to avoid extra stress. Stay at a hotel or apartment close to the clinic; some clinics even help arrange your stay and airport transfers.

When it comes to money, go over the clinic’s cost estimate carefully. Make sure you know how you`ll pay and if they offer any financing options. Exchange some cash for Turkish Lira, just in case you need it for small purchases.

Before your surgery, do a general health check-up and let your dentist know about any health issues or meds you’re on. Bring comfy clothes, any necessary meds, and whatever else you’ll need for the trip.

After the procedure, take it easy for a few days. Stick to your dentist’s recovery advice, and know when your follow-up appointments are. Keep your dentist`s and emergency contacts handy, just in case.

Lastly, if you’re feeling up for it, enjoy Turkey’s sights! Istanbul, Cappadocia, or the Mediterranean are great options. Just be mindful of any food restrictions after surgery.

What Surgeries Are Required for Dental Implants

In order to ensure a seamless procedure, getting dental implants may need several procedures. The primary procedure, which involves inserting the implant into your jawbone, comes first. Your doctor may need to perform a sinus lift or bone transplant if your bone is too weak. For healthy gums, more attention must be given to the soft tissue around the implant site. Soft tissue grafts may be necessary. A healing abutment aids in the gums' natural healing process following the implantation. Occasionally, a second procedure is required to reveal the implant and fasten the abutment for the last tooth. It is unusual that the implant will need to be removed if something goes wrong.

Age Limits of Implants?

Dental implants can be put in people of any age, but there are some general things to keep in mind. The maximum age for getting dental implants is a big part of how well the treatments work and what the results are. According to research, the age of the person getting dental implants can affect how long the implants last. For adults, there is no upper age limit for getting tooth implants as long as they are healthy enough and have enough bone mass to support them. For instance, a study that looked back found that most implant problems happened to people over 60 years old, with differences between men and women (Raikar et al., 2017). This shows that there may be a link between being older and having a higher rate of implant failure.

Dental implants can work for older people; age itself is not a reason not to get them. The patients general health, bone density, and ability to heal properly after treatment are the most important things to think about.

When a person is younger, dental implants are generally not suggested until their jawbone has fully grown. Also, studies on cochlear implants have focused on taking into account how the person is getting older when the implant is put in. One study looked at kids who were older than 3 years old at the time of implantation. This shows that some studies have age limits. In the same way, (Harrison et al. 2005) looked at specific age-of-implant cutoffs and key developmental times linked to cochlear implantation.

When it comes to tooth implants, a child`s age can have a big effect on how well they learn to speak. Researchers found that kids who got implants when they were younger consistently improved their speaking skills. This shows how important it is to get implants early for the best results. A study also found that the age group 25–35 had the biggest number of people getting dental implants. This was followed by other age groups, showing a trend in how implant procedures are spread out.

The maximum age for tooth implants is a complex issue that can affect how well and how quickly implant treatments work. Clinicians need to know about age-related factors, key periods, and differences in implant failure rates between age groups in order to make smart choices and give the best care to patients getting dental implants. 

Advantages of Having a Dental Implant in Turkey?

Advantages of having a dental implant in Turkey are multifaceted and include both functional and aesthetic benefits. Dental implants prevent problems in the oral cavity after tooth loss, offering a reliable solution for replacing missing teeth. Patients in Turkey who opt for dental implants can benefit from improved chewing function, greater denture structural integrity, and less bone loss, particularly advantageous for geriatric individuals. Additionally, dental implants have been associated with enhanced oral health-related quality of life, providing patients with a significant improvement in their overall well-being.

Moreover, dental implants have shown similar survival rates to those reported in the literature, indicating their reliability and effectiveness as a tooth replacement option. Patients knowledge and awareness of dental implants play a crucial role in their perception of the treatment. Studies have shown that individuals with higher income levels tend to be more aware of dental implants, highlighting the importance of education and awareness campaigns. Furthermore, the use of zirconium implants in Turkey offers high biocompatibility, durability and aesthetic appeal, contributing to the overall advantages of dental implants in the country.

In terms of patient perception and knowledge, a significant portion of the adult population in Turkey holds positive views regarding the longevity of dental implants, with many believing that implants can last forever or for more than 10 years (Saeed et al., 2022). This positive perception aligns with the established benefits of dental implant treatment over traditional alternatives, emphasizing the value of implants in improving oral health and quality of life.

How to Choose Best Dental Implant Clinics in Turkey?

If you`re looking for the best dental implant clinic in Turkey, there are a few key things to keep in mind for good results. First, check that the clinic has skilled professionals with a solid track record. They should also consider your age and oral health to customize the treatment. Make sure they use high-quality implants, like titanium zirconium, and focus on preventing issues like peri-implantitis. Clinics that prioritize staff education, have good success rates, and care about the aesthetic outcome are your best bet. Following these tips will help you find a clinic that delivers top-notch care.

How dental implants can be cheap

The cheapness of dental implants can vary depending on many things. Location has a big effect on price, as prices can be very different from one country to the next or even from one area of the same country to another. As an example, dental implants cost more in cities where the cost of living is higher.
The price is also affected by the materials used. High-end names and new technologies, like zirconia or titanium implants, tend to make costs go up. Due to their skill and high success rate, implantologists with a lot of experience and specialization may be able to charge more.
X-rays, CT scans, and 3D imaging are some of the diagnostic tests that add to the total cost. So do extra treatments like bone grafts, sinus lifts, and extractions.

Another options is dental tourism. For example, in Turkey, dental implants are much cheaper than in other countries, but the care is still very good. Many people also go to Mexico and Thailand to get tooth implants at low prices. Some dental insurance plans might pay some of the cost, especially if the treatment is physically necessary. A lot of dental offices offer different payment plans or ways to pay that make it easier for people to handle their costs over time.

Brands of Dental Implants Used in Turkey

According to the sources, Turkey uses Straumann, Ritter, Nobel, MIS, Osstem, and Neo dental implants, which have reduced early failure rates. A thorough research found 19 implant brands utilized in different nations during the previous decade, demonstrating the market`s diversity. Over 220 implant brands, produced by 80 manufacturers, show the wide range of implant possibilities.

Approximately 500 manufacturers produce 4,000 implant brands on the market. Major dental implant brands offer exceptional characteristics, proving their dependability and efficiency throughout time. A research on incidental implant problems recommended monitoring and resolving post-implantation difficulties for diverse implant manufacturers.

Turkey uses Ritter, Nobel, MIS, Osstem, Neo, Klockner Essential, Intraoss, and other dental implant brands. International implant brands show the advances in implant technology and the many options physicians have when choosing implants for their patients. Dental practitioners can choose implant brands based on their qualities and performance to guarantee patient success.

Frequently asked questions about Dental implants in Turkey

How Much Are Dental Implants Cost in Turkey?

The cost of dental implants is determined by a variety of criteria, including the quantity of teeth that need to be placed. the kind and brand of implant utilized, the material type used to make the prosthesis, the clinics standing, and the dentist`s level of experience.

Is It Safe to Have Dental Implants in Turkey?

The safety and effectiveness of dental implants are key considerations for many potential patients. The installation of dental implant in Turkey is generally safe, due to the high standards of medical care in the country. experienced specialists, advanced technologies and a strict regulatory framework. By choosing a clinic with a good reputation and following the recommendations, patients can achieve excellent results and get positive impressions from dental tourism.

What is the Best Place to Get Dental Clinics in Turkey?

Turkey offers numerous excellent options for dental implant treatment, with cities like Istanbul, Antalya, Izmir, Ankara, and Bodrum standing out as the most popular destinations. By choosing a reputable clinic that meets high standards of care, patients can achieve outstanding results of dental clinics in Turkey while enjoying significant money savings.

User reviews about Dental Implants in Turkey

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Turkey Teeth Packages

ALL ON FOUR per Jaw travel package


4 Straumann Neodent Dental Implants Free Temporary Teeth Free Transfers (Airport pick-up, hotel, clinic) Free Hotel Stay with Bed & Breakfast Free Mouth Guard Free Consultation Free 3D Dental tomography, Panoramic X-Ray Included Anti-biotics, Pain killers, mouth wash etc. Included The Dentist’s Time & Work Free Laboratory Fees Requires 2 visits 6-7 days within 3 to 6 months
6 Celtra® DUO VENEERS travel package
6 Celtra Duo Veneers Free Transfers (Airport pick-up, hotel, clinic) Free Hotel Stay with Bed & Breakfast Free Consultation Free 3D Dental tomography, Panoramic X-Ray Included Anti-biotics, Pain killers, mouth wash etc. Included The Dentist’s Time & Work Free Laboratory Fees Requires 1 visit 4-5 days
12 Zirconia Crowns Pack travel package
Temporary Crowns Free Transfers (Airport pick-up, hotel, clinic) Free Hotel Stay with Bed & Breakfast Tooth Filling (if needed) Free Consultation Free 3D Dental tomography, Panoramic X-Ray Included Anti-biotics, Pain killers, mouth wash etc. Included The Dentist’s Time & Work Free Laboratory Fees Requires 2 visits 6-7 days within 3 to 6 months

*The treatment pages provided on this platform are intended for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical or dental advice, diagnosis, or treatment recommendations. The information presented on these pages is not a substitute for professional medical or dental advice from qualified healthcare providers.

*By accessing and using the treatment pages on this platform, you acknowledge and agree to the terms of this disclaimer. If you do not agree with these terms, please refrain from using the treatment pages.
